About us


The Fondazione Iniziative Zooprofilattiche e Zootecniche (Foundation for Zooprophylaxis and Zootechnical Initiatives) was created on 27 January 1955 by the Zooprophylaxis Institute of the Provinces of Lombardy (1), Banca Credito Agrario Bresciano, Banca San Paolo di Brescia (2) and the Pastori, Dandolo, Chiodi, and Conter bequests (Joint Agarian Institutions) (3), the aim being to promote, encourage and fund initiatives designed to enhance zootechnical performance and safeguard the health of livestock, particularly through scientific study, research and experimentation in the zootechnical and veterinary sectors..

Every year the Foundation stages numerous training and refresher courses in medical and veterinary sciences approved for ECM accreditation. The Foundation is in fact an accredited ECM provider for the Lombardy Region. Course participation is free for affiliates.

The Foundation also partners and hosts the headquarters of a number of leading scientific societies (e.g. the Italian Society of Veterinary Sciences, Italian Society of Veterinary Public Health, Italian Rabbit Science Association)..

Since 1979 it has published the Quaderni series of monographic publications focusing on issues of relevance to human and veterinary science.


(1) Now Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Lombardia e dell’Emilia Romagna “B. Ubertini” (“B. Ubertini Experimental Zooprophylaxis Institute of Lombardy and Emilia Romagna”)

(2) The two banks merged in 1998 to form Banca Lombarda S.p.A., which in 2007 was incorporated into BPU Banca. The latter was renamed Unione di Banche Italiane Scpa, and later UBI Banca S.p.A.. In 2020, UBI Banca joined the Banca Intesa S.p.A. Group.

(3) Currently Fondazione Istituzioni Agrarie Raggruppate Onlus (a non-profit organisation)


The organisation is EN ISO 9001:2015 certified.

Quality policy

In accordance with its articles of association Fondazione Iniziative Zooprofilattiche e Zootecniche (Foundation for Zooprophylaxis and Zootechnical Initiatives) promotes, encourages and funds initiatives designed to enhance and safeguard livestock health, with a particular focus on vocational training, study and scientific research in the veterinary and zootechnical sector.

The dissemination of knowledge towards all those working or interested in the medical and veterinary sciences is the overarching purpose of the Foundation, which seeks to deliver accessible, direct and comprehensive education and training, paying the utmost attention to satisfying different target audiences and needs.

To achieve its objectives, the Foundation has a Technical Advisory Committee tasked with proposing, assessing and discussing initiatives of interest, and seeking collaborations with highly qualified Italian and foreign partners in the relevant fields.

Education and training are delivered through workshops, conferences and refresher courses.

The events organised by the Foundation rely on the efforts of staff members at every level, ensuring that their skills and professionalism best serve the organisation.

All of the Foundation’s staff care deeply about ensuring the success of the initiatives it stages, and display sterling teamwork and enthusiasm.

One for all, all for one!


Secretary General

Scientific Director


is always happy to assist you with your needs