Since 1970

SINCE 1970


ollowing the nationalisation of Italian Zooprophylaxis Institutes in 1970, the relationship between the Foundation and the Institute changed, with the latter being granted greater autonomy.


The Articles of Association, amended in 1969, expanded the institutional aims to encompass the broader sector of zootechnics, allowed the organisation to welcome new partners (the Provincial Government and the Brescia Chamber of Commerce) and set up a Technical Advisory Committee, a body with the necessary technical expertise to draw up programmes of proven scientific value.


Operational synergies with the Institute thrived as the partnership grew on an equal footing, with new content being constantly added. Many first-rate initiatives were rolled out at the urging of the Technical Advisory Committee, in particular:

a) three-year specialisation courses, in conjunction with the Zooprophylaxis Institute and the Universities of Milan, Parma and Bologna;

b) the Centre for the Qualitative Improvement of Milk and Beef, established together with the Chamber of Commerce, the Provincial Government and the Zooprophylaxis Institute. Since 1974 the Centre has helped farmers enhance milk quality to the highest European standards.


Increasing numbers of training and refresher courses have been organised and received new impetus over the years, also in partnership with other organisations, such as the National Federation of Italian Veterinarians (Federazione Nazionale degli Ordini Veterinari Italiani – FNOVI)*. At present, the Foundation offers affiliates countless no-fee events with limited participant numbers, catering to the health sector in general. For all initiatives ECM accreditation is requested from the Lombardy Region.

Since 1979 the Foundation has published over 100 issues of its Quaderni monographs on topics of scientific relevance.

The Foundation collaborates with leading scientific societies, whose headquarters it also hosts: the Italian Society of Veterinary Science* with approx. 1,200 members, most of whom are university lecturers, researchers, specialised technicians and practitioners; the Italian Society of Veterinary Public Health, with approx. 320 members, and the Italian Rabbit Science Association*, with more than 100 members, including researchers and producers. The societies offer education and training activities in their respective fields.


The Foundation has a Governing Board comprised of 6 members appointed by the following bodies:


Banca Intesa S.p.A. *
Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Small Business and Agriculture of Brescia  *
Ubertini Experimental Zooprophylaxis Institute of Lombardy and Emilia Romagna*
Province of Brescia *
Fondazione Istituzioni Agrarie Raggruppate Onlus *

and has a three-member Executive Committee.


The Secretary General carries out management duties and implements the guidelines issued by the Governing Board and the Executive Committee, whose meetings he/she attends with an advisory vote.





* *Website content is the sole responsibility of the respective owner. The Fondazione Iniziative Zooprofilattiche e Zootecniche does not guarantee the accuracy of the information provided, nor does reference to such content imply its endorsement.